Sunday, November 18, 2007


Foods we have tried so far and reactions:
Squash... Not a big hit
Sweet Potatoes... Moderately better
Carrots... Tolerable
Sweet Potatoes & Corn... Now we're talking
Peas... What are you trying to do to me?!
Olive has been extremely happy all weekend. She has been giggling and squealing and generally being as adorable as possible. This week, all the grandparents will be here for Thanksgiving, which will be nice. We attended Sue and George's 25th Anniversary surprise lunch on Saturday and we all had a good time. I'm always amazed at how good she is out at restaurants. I don't know how long that will last, but I'm enjoying it while it does. We gave her a bath in the sink tonight because she's getting a little big for her bathtub and she really loves to splash around in deeper water. I know this kid is going to be a swimmer. Much like her Dad, she loves the water and is completely at ease in it. This week she has also discovered her ears, and was fascinated to find that she has a tongue. It's a short week for me too, since I am taking off Wednesday to cook and clean the house while she's at daycare. This year I am attempting Tea brined turkey... I am using a combination of Lapsang Souchong and Earl Grey to add a smoky flavor and finishing it off with a ginger plum glaze. Should be pretty yummy. I am also trying to finish up a sweater I started knitting her that I am hoping ot have done for Thanksgiving day. I have one sleeve to go, then to put it together. (What, me? Put unrealistic demands on myself? Never!) So hopefully I'll finish it up. I am really looking forward to a few days off work... but it does make me wish I actually had paid holidays; but that's another gripe. Anyway, so here are some updated pictures. Here's the link to Photobucket where there are many more pictures...

More later this week!