Saturday, February 23, 2008

Let's see... It's been awhile. Well, Olive is doing great, as is the norm for her. She has been eating more stuff now; She's started chewing all of a sudden; she still has no teeth, but she's definitely figured out chewing. She LOVES cheese now. We've been giving her cheese and scrambled egg and she's starting to feed herself. It's amazing how fast she learns. She has also started making this funny little clucking noise. Kristin noticed it at daycare too; I wonder if she learned it from me because I do that around the cats all the time.

Last weekend we met up with friends from Tokyo in DC; they were in town for a Japanese culture exhibit at the Kennedy Center. We went to dim sum in Chinatown and then headed over to the Kennedy Center... I wasn't sure how she'd do, that makes for a really long day for her. But she was sweet and charming and everyone adored her. She ate oranges at the Chinese restaurant for the first time and they were a big success. She also got new shoes for Valentine's Day from grandma Sue (Raley) which you can see in the picture. We are going to register her for swimming lessons at the Y next week; It is saturday mornings and Marc will probably take her... I'm not sure if we can both go or not.

The weather has been cold and gross here, but it'a almost the end of February and in my mind that means it is almost spring. Soon it will be time to plant stuff!!! I have plans to move a bunch of stuff in the front yard around.

Anyway, she's up from her nap so I have to run. More later!


MLB said...

We just finished this session of swimming lessons. It was fun, but we are going to take a break until the summer now. I'm sorry we didn't get to do lessons together!

Sue Gillis said...

Your grandmother is loving this blogspot. Cana't wait to see you. Love and hugs!