Friday, December 12, 2008

Catch Up

Wow. Has it really been that long since I posted anything? I am feeling really guilty. Things have been so busy this fall with work. Marc has been working with me painting at the Franciscan Monastery in Washington DC. We are just about finished with it, so things are settling down a bit. The hours were crazy; Marc was leaving at 5:30 am and not getting home until 7pm or so… he’d be exhausted, and it was all we could do to get her in a bath and in bed by 7:30 or 8:00. I think seeing her so little every day was really hard on Marc. It was kind of depressing.
But like I said, things are calmer now, so that’s good. Olive is doing remarkably well. Let’s see… she is walking now, which is fantastic. I was starting to wonder if she ever would; but I think now she was just thinking about it. The pediatrician asked how often she falls when she walks; I was kind of surprised, because she doesn’t fall at all. She’s not one of these kids who charges forward with a zombie-like stagger. She’s much more methodical about it. I think she just thinks more.
I need to post some Halloween pictures. I am at work now, screwing around, so I’ll have to post the pictures later. She went as a bumble bee this year… very cute. She caught on real quick to the whole candy game too. That didn’t escape her one little bit.
She is also talking like crazy. Her first official sentence was “No Biting!” at daycare… that’s another whole story. But she’s pretty self assertive and that problem for the time being has seemed to go away.
He second sentence that we heard a few nights ago was “I go poop.” Ahh yes, one for the record books. She’s gonna love that when she’s sixteen.
We stopped counting words once we got to 60. She also knows a lot more words than we think, even if she doesn’t say them. If you tell her to go put her cup on the table, she’ll do it, although she’s never said “table” as far as I know.
She freaked me out a few weeks ago. We let the cat out and she wanted to go out too. I told her no, and she started to cry and whine. I went back into the kitchen, and she wandered into the living room and I assumed she’d just moved on to something else. A minute or so later, I see her and she’s dragging my purse to the door. She goes into my purse, grabs my keys, and starts putting keys into the keyhole of the door and trying to figure out how to open it. This is when I knew I was in trouble. She’s so damn smart it’s scary. The logic train involved in that situation is pretty complex, but she knew exactly what to do. It blew me away.

Anyway, I promise to post pictures soon. More later, M

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