Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Want some cheese to go with that?

Lately, Olive has been, in a word, WHINY. I don't think she's feeling very well, but I can't seem to pin point anything. Very restless, all she wants is to be held, and then you pick her up and all she wants is to get down. She wakes up at night and is cold, but screams whenyou put the covers back over her. That kind of thing. She was supposed to get her H1N1 Vaccine last Thursday, but she was running a slight fever the night before and they wouldn't give it to her. So, they rescheduled for today. She's still whiny and cranky, but not running a fever, so we have to do it. It's too hard to get the vaccine, I can't afford to pass it up. So, I am leaving work early (yay!) and I'm not sure if I'm coming back. I don't have much to do really, but I could use the hours. We are very slow; it depends on who you ask, but things feel pretty precarious to me. I've been knitting together my loose safety net just in case. Marc is working at center Stage and liking it a lot, he's only been there two days. I miss set painting. I don't miss the hours and the pay, but I miss the painting.

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