Sunday, December 13, 2009

Big Girl bed

Setting up the Big Girl bed today... Very exciting. We went to Ikea with Grandpa George and bought a mattress. I have her bed ready to go, but I may need to wait until Marc gets home to start moving furniture around. (He's at a nerd tournament today in Rockville. Exciting, I know.) She's getting Rainforest sheets and a comforter for Christmas, and we are thinking about painting a Lemur mural in her room. It's got to be biologcally correct, so we need to find other native Madagascar animals to put in it. Marc nixed my toucans becuase they are Amazonian. Anyway, we are still hashing out the details.

1 comment:

danisteg said...

Exciting! Hope she likes it. Nathan loves his and now I can't imagine him still being in a crib.