Wednesday, March 17, 2010


How exactly did I miss the memo that I was supposed to sign up for preschools before Thanksgiving of last year? How does everyone know this but me? What the hell? I have been calling around, and most places are full, but I can get on waiting lists. If there are spaces available, they are for two hours a day three mornings a week, which is just not going to work for me unless I feel like quitting my job. (Hey... oh yeah. Money) Anyway, I am going to make some frantic calls in the morning and see what I can do. At this point it's not so much where I want her to go as it is where I can get her in. One of the Catholic schools required a baptism certificate.... uh, next! I think we're not going the Catholic route. Don't even get me started. Where are the Unitarian preschools?! Whatever we end up doing, she's going to be reading by fall. She's way advanced for her age, and if anything, I'm afraid that the Threes preschool level is going to be too easy for her and she'll be bored. I know, I sound like one of those pushy parents, don't I? But it's true. We'll work it out somehow.

We had a little play date with my friend Julie and her daughter today, who is 6 days younger than Olive. The similarities are amazing. Julie and Kyle are going through some of the exact same challenges we are right now, with potty training, tantrums, etc. It's easy to feel like you're all alone and forget that there are other people out there who are struggling just like you are. It was nice to catch up, I feel bad that I haven't seen her in so long. Winter has that isolating effect on everyone.

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