Monday, May 12, 2008

I am such a slacker!!! I haven't updated this in so long it's pathetic. However, in my self defense, things have been very busy here lately. By the time I get home, get dinner ready, get her fed bathed and happy, get her to bed, make something for us to eat, do some laundry, clean litter boxes, etc etc, it is 10:30 pm and updating the blog seems pretty far down on the priority list. However, it has been bugging me and I wanted to get back into it. After all, she will be ONE YEAR OLD next Wednesday. I can't believe it. So, for those of you who haven't seen her in awhile, which is most of you, here's the rundown of what she's been up to.
No! She is not walking yet. She is still in the army crawling phase, not really up on her knees just yet. However, this doesn't slow her down one iota. We have been reassessing everything in the house and need to start baby proofing NOW. What she lacks in bipedal mobility she is making up for in language skills. She has a whole vocabulary of sounds and noises she makes now; she is begining to figure out who Da Da and Ma Ma are, but they are still used somewhat interchangeably. She does have one word, which is "KEE-EEEE" for "Kitty" and she says it whenever she sees a cat. Which is quite often.

She still only has two teeth... No new ones yet. They'll be in eventually. That doesn't stop her from eating just about anything though. She is a freak for popcorn ("What?! Popcorn? She'll choke!") which we break into small pieces for her. I put up a series of photos on Photobucket that Marc took... we have been encouraging her to crawl by leaving Hansel and Gretel trails of popcorn around the house... Its hysterical to watch her crawl to one, eat it, look around for the next one, crawl to it, eat it, repeat. Her other new favorite food, of all things, is chickpeas. Loves 'em. Give her gas, but at least she's eating them. She's been somewhat resistant to being fed lately, so finger foods seem to be the new deal. You can feed her peas or carrots or whatever, but she has decided that its really fun to make razzberries as soon as she gets them in her mouth and spray you with food. Nice. I am trying not to encourage this behavior. It doesn't seem to be working because she thinks its hilarious.

With all this crawling around, it also becomes apparent that my house is filthy and disgusting, but she doesn't seem to mind. In fact, there's nothing she loves more than finding a stale cheerio covered in lint under the stove for a delicious snack. We keep the vacuum in the kitchen, and she crawls up to it and looks into the canister of cathair filth like it a gumball machine. ("If only I could figure out a way to get IN there!!!") Good times.

Well, that's not everything, but at least its a start. I'm putting up a photo of her at the park a few weeks ago when my parents and aunt and uncle came down to visit. She was delightfully charming. She loves an audience.

I will update more soon, I PROMISE!!!

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